Water Department
The City of Sundance’s Water Department is overseen by the chief water operator and has a 2 man crew. The crew is responsible for the maintenance of the City’s 25 miles of water line, 6 wells, 4 booster pumping stations, 2 pressure reducing buildings, and 8 storage tanks with a combined capacity of 880 thousand gallons.
The City’s water usage averaged about 237,000 gallons per day in 2008. We sample for bacteria 2 times a month at various points throughout the City and also all chemical samples required by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality every year (please refer to the water quality report). The chief water/wastewater operator and his backup (Public Works Director) are required to be certified for water treatment, water distribution, as well as wastewater collection.
The hardness of our water is 14 grains on the North and East side of town and 21 grains on the South and West side of town.